Rachael Rogers


Rachael is the CEO and Founder of GAMECHANGERS, Inc., a non-profit aimed at catalyzing women’s empowerment through professional development and networking.

GAMECHANGERS was founded to meet a need that Rachael experienced as a woman in the workplace: a lack of professional development resources geared towards young, emerging female leaders.

Rachael leads the Consulting Practice at a tech company by day and has experienced first-hand how stubborn career obstacles can be. Rachael’s growth method was finding like-minded people and development-focused spaces. In those conversations and opportunities, she found the momentum to overcome obstacles and level up. The problem? Those resources are scattered far and wide, most generic, and lacking real engagement.

Never one to let a problem go unsolved, she launched the first GAMECHANGERS retreat, and the response from attendees was overwhelming and ecstatic.

Rachael has a life-long passion for learning that started with reading at two years old, attending college at 14, and earning her Bachelor’s degree at 19. She will graduate with her MBA just before her 30th birthday.

Rachael is a classically-trained violinist, avid world traveler (36 countries!), sibling to five brothers and two sisters, and lives in Boston with her husband Dave and Goldendoodle, Joy.

PASSIONATE ABOUT: Good Conversations
SUPER INTO: Boujee Cocktails
YES TO: Clean Sheets